Premier Receives a Second Future 50 Award

The Future 50 Awards program is the largest and most anticipated SmartCEO awards program of the year. This program recognizes 50 of the region’s fastest growing, mid-sized companies. Winners in large “Blue Chip” and small “Emerging Growth” categories will also be announced. These companies represent the future of the region’s economy and embody the entrepreneurial spirit critical for leadership and success. The winners, chosen based on a three-year average of employee and revenue growth.

Premier Management Corporation CEO, Marcus Board, is a two time winner for 2015 and 2016!

Premier Management Corporation Inc.’s CEO, Marcus Board, wanted to become an entrepreneur since early childhood. After serving in the U.S. Air Force for 20 years, he got his chance. What started in Board’s basement a decade ago is now a company with more than 170 employees. Premier provides services to the federal government in the fields of logistics, intelligence analysis, program management, acquisition support and procurement management, among others.

“There is nothing more rewarding than to watch an employee, a young student or a mentee reach goals that were created and achieved under my tutelage.”

In 2004, the company’s main challenge was building a reputation of commitment, dedication and adherence to contract standards — all with just five employees. During the economic downturn, Premier at times had to rely on Board’s personal real-estate equity, lines of credit and cash to stay up and running. The company’s outlook improved dramatically in 2008, when it won its first prime contract, awarded by the FBI as a result of exceptional performance on a previous subcontract. “It allowed Premier to achieve prime-contractor past performance, which positioned us to win future prime contracts and propelled us to the next level,” Board says. Within five years, he believes, Premier will be able to transition from a small to a mid-sized business.

More: Additional recognition for Premier.